Turn your businesses weakest link
into its strongest ally!
58% of Data Breach Victims are Small Businesses**
71% of Breaches are caused by employees*
91% of cyber attacks are caused by phishing emails.***
92% of malware is delivered via email.**
Employees are causing over 70% of data breaches, yet ~77% of corporate cybersecurity spending is on technology#. We understand the importance of focusing on the weakest link for a data breach by empowering employees through self-improvement, personal protection, and engaging training that is relate-able, not demeaning. Take your businesses weakest link for a data breach and turn them into your strongest protection against one by protecting your organization from cyber criminals from the inside-out.
Security awareness training isn't just a good idea for all businesses, many laws and standards require it. Some examples are, HIPAA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), ISO/IEC 27002, and NIST Special Publication 800-53, just to name a few.
Employee Security Awareness Training
Training Overview
> Extensive Use of Multimedia (Videos, Animation, Graphics, Quizzes)
> Interesting and Engaging Online Training Material
> Training Delivered Via Online Training Portal
> Mandatory Training Takes Around 1 Hour
> Additional optional training
> Employees Can Start, Stop and Resume Training
Training Topic Examples
> What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?
> Protecting Credit Cards & Customer Information
> Spotting Phishing Scams
> Avoiding Phone Scams
> Using Strong Passwords
> Public Wi-Fi Dangers
> Protecting Mobile Devices
Training Certificates and Reports
After employees finish the security training, they will take a 20 question security quiz. They need an 80% or better to pass the quiz. Upon passing the security quiz, they will be able to print out a certificate of course completion. Managers can view reports that show the progress and results of each employee so you have proof of completion.
Breach Prevention Platform
Business cybersecurity doesn't stop at technology and annual employee training. Continual refresher training, real world simulation testing, and the right security policies and procedures are just some of the other critical items needed to ensure that when confronted with a real cybersecurity attack attempt, your business and your employees will know how to quickly and correctly respond to ensure your business and client data is safe. If you only took a one hour of self defense class but never practiced after that, you probably wouldn't have good odds if 6 months later you had a run-in with someone who was trying to do you harm and you needed to quickly recall that training.
Having information security policies and procedures in place is not just critically important to help prevent data breaches and respond if the unthinkable happens, many laws and standards require specific written policies and procedures be in place, with documented conformation of employee acknowledgement.
Self-Managed Training and Breach Prevention
Our goal is to make security training accessible to businesses of all sizes, and grow with you. With new training courses released each calendar year, our self-managed security awareness training and PII Breach Prevention Platform options are an easy and affordable way to protect your business without a large up-front investment. All package prices are per month costs and based on the maximum number of users you plan to add to the platform, not per user.
Want us to manage the training for you?
We do that as well, Contact Us to find out more.
Not quite ready to jump into training but still want to monitor the Deep / Dark Web for your business credentials?
Head on over to our Breached Credential Monitoring (AKA: Dark Web Monitoring) page to find out how!
PII-Protect Breach Prevention Platform Levels